Thursday, September 23, 2010


On the south side of campus is a very long set of stairs and a long trail that leads up to campus.
I always opt for the stairs.
I call them "The Steps of Shame."
I walk up these stairs: Every. Day.
And every day I take my two little legs and I try to tromp as quickly as I can up this vicious flight of stairs.
And every day a different person passes me by taking two to three steps at a time.
It's as if they see me struggling to make it up one step at a time and they say "GO GO GADGET LEGS!" And then they shmooze past me like a mountain goat.
Sometimes I want to yell "Unimpressed!"
But that would be a lie. against honor code.
I'm quite impressed with these Inspector Gadget meets Centaur BYU students.

But not as impressed as they'll be when I zip past them on the trail on one of these.



jessica renae said...

hehe, if these things could do stairs, i would OWN one! :)


Oh my gosh that was hilarious! You are so funny! Love you!