Since moving up here to the Polar Ice Caps, also referred to as Provo, I've developed a new love. Before I admit to loving this commonly undesirable thing I need you, dear reader, to promise you will not post a comment, leave a voicemail, or hassle me in any manner for developing a newfound love for this thing of which I'm about to own up to.
Ok, here it goes. (Sigh)
After hours of sitting in lectures and doing tedious assignments I find it extremely relaxing to do the dishes. Weird, right? I think I must have slipped on some ice and developed a case of domestic amnesia. It's oddly soothing to do something I used to hate so much. I know admitting that I love doing the dishes will forever banish me to the kitchens of my loved ones...but I guess that makes me kind of like Michelangelo and the dishes the Sistine Chapel. Forever banished for opening up my big mouth.
p.s. Loved ones, you can stop rolling your eyes now.
haha, well michelangelo. you can do my dishes anytime. i'll probably even cook for you! and definitely let you do all the dishes.
really though, i think i understand where you're coming from. for me, though, it isn't dishes.
hahaha loved this post. I love doing the laundry. it soothes me and is my go to thing when i am stressed.
summer...eeehhmmm stacey
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