Monday, March 29, 2010


(taken by yours truly)
Maybe it's the snow slowly melting from the mountains, the reappearing birds, or the buds on the tree outside of my apartment, but I feel like change is all around me...and in some respects within me.

Change is one of those things I crave. Like chocolate. Sun. Or let's be honest, a cheesy movie. But when change does come my way, as it always does, I retreat. I want to cling to what I know, because that's safe. But getting what you want isn't about being safe. It's about being brave enough to change...or to accept change.

It doesn't have to be dramatic or even final. But it does have to happen.

Some changes require a house, a bigger car, love, a dress, a backpack, understanding, Facebook status(that's me being funny), a warmer coat, flip flops, patience, acceptance.

As my life takes an uncertain turn of events I feel blessed knowing in all of this change I will be taken care of. I know that there is a greater power in charge and that because I am his daughter I will be more than ok.



Stan Perkins said...

life is change, enjoy the good moments.
love dad

jessica renae said...

speaking of change, the semester is almost over, deary!! we're almost finished! and the sun is almost here, so let's celebrate :)

natalie johansen said...

in light of that... it's snowing today :S
good news: we're going to St George this weekend!