Monday, January 26, 2009

Grammar: Avoiding Apostrophe Catastrophe

At times the apostrophe is  treated like the comma(maybe because they look so much alike?). I think the misconception is that when something's plural you add an apostrophe. Or maybe because it's so small we figure it's better to tag it on there. 

We see this all the time in our grocery stores. "Banana's $1.50." Oh so the banana's own $1.50! Not exactly. 

Here are the three cases for apostrophe usage:
1. to show possession
ex. the boy's hat
2. to show the omission of letters
ex. should+not=shouldn't
3. to indicate plurals of lowercase letters
ex. Nita's mother constantly stressed minding one's  p's and q's. 

Friends don't let friends overuse apostrophe's. If you love you're friends click here.


Gary said...

As I was reading "Grammar: Avoiding Apostrophe Catastophe", I realized, I don't want my friends to overuse apostrophes, so, thank you! But, seriously, I have problems with using apostrophes, and that has helped me out. My other problem is commas and I am getting over that still. I also enjoyed your enticement, to click on the link to your reference:)
Thank You.

Maddi Brown said...

Wow, I must admit this was fun to read. You always add such fun voice to your writing and I love it. The one way I have a problem with apostrophes is when I write a year like the "1950's." It gets me every time. Nicely done!

See you soon,
