Friday, January 16, 2009

Grammar: H-y-p-h-e-n-s

In my mind hyphens are a somewhat superfluous punctuation. They've probably only seemed that way because I've never really learned when it's necessary to use said superfluity. I've found that I mostly use hyphens to be facetious, I never have a very sincere intent when using them. Sometimes when other people use hyphens it makes me feel like they're undermining my intelligence. For example: It's a one-way street. 
Ok, I know it's not a one street or a way street. For the love!

All hyphen animosity aside, I found out some instances when hyphens actually make sense. 
1. Compound Numbers 
ex. sixty-five
2. With prefixes 
ex. mid-September
 3.  At the end of a line
ex. The cars were mass-

Let's raise the roof for the hyphen, because it's not useless! Click HERE  if you love hyphens!

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