Monday, April 5, 2010

Confession #2

I don't know why I feel like I should let you in on all or most of my secrets...
But I have a confession. Again. Here's confession #1
I am a closet rap fan.
That's right ya'll. Rap.

Last September on my 2oth birthday my sister Monica convinced me to go to Zumba with her.
I was a bit reluctant because anything that starts with a "z" instantly sounds intimidating.
But I went.
This started my obsession with Zumba, The Warehouse, and strobe lights.
Soon I found myself listening to Black Eyed Peas, Kat Da Luna, and yes, even Pitbull. Hahahaha!
The funny or sad depending on how you look at it thing is
whenever I get homesick here at the Y I listen to a little "Boom Boom Pow" and
I'm right as rain again.
I think there's something wrong with me.

Post Edit: I couldn't resist. Enjoy my homies:)


spenceandcass said...

Hahaha ..... Monica convinced me to go to Zumba too ... I looked ridiculous!!! I think I'll stick with Yoga. :)

jessica renae said...

haha, sabrina, you wouldn't be the same without your addiction to "boom boom pow." love ya :)


Zumba at the Warehouse with Andrea is the BEST! I love all of it!