Monday, June 6, 2011

FHE Mama

I have a pretty good track record of not attending FHE since I've moved away from home.
If you are unfamiliar with FHE, it stands for Family Home Evening.
FHE is held on Monday nights and it's a time for families in our church to spend together.
College wards, like the one I attend, have little FHE groups and I was lucky enough to land a calling as an FHE mom.
I know this is karma paying me back for the past 3 years of avoidant behavior.
Tonight was my first go at being an FHE mom.
Lucky for me I was paired with another FHE mom and we decided to play games and she volunteered to bring a watermelon.
* it should be noted that I had a dream last night that I learned how to carve watermelons like you would carve a pumpkin at Halloween. So you can imagine my excitement?

We did the usual
.Prayer, spiritual thought, etc.
Once I had sufficiently dominated everyone in Mad Gab we decided to slice the watermelon open.
I'm not going to lie I was pretty excited.
I. Love. Watermelon.
My dear roommates began slicing the beast open and like opening flood gates the watermelon spewed water all over our counter top.
Then we split the beast open and the insides reminded me of the turkey on Christmas Vacation. See image below.

It was sad indeed.
I had to send all of my little FHE children home without watermelon.
Luckily, one of the children made this wonderful watermelon carving.
See image below.

Behold! The waterbeast!


P.s. I am still craving watermelon.


jessica renae said...

BAhahaha... i love that you're FHE mom. that's the best thing ever. i wish i was your child, honestly. :)

lisey said...

haha. the enclave was the start of sarah's FHE motherhood... and it just went downhill after that. same thing though: she got the calling because she didn't go to fhe. haha.

ps love the watermelon carving.