Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Dating Quiz

I'm sure I'm not entirely unique in being quizzed each week on my nonexistent dating life.
However, when there is indeed someone worth mentioning I like to make the process as painful as possible.

Mom: Have you meant anyone in your ward? alluding to the male race, of course.
Me: Yes. I met a boy named XXXXXX.
Mom: Oh really?! Is he nice?
Me: No. He's the meanest person I've ever met.
Mom: Is he cute? disregarding my comment.
Me: No. He's ugly and has warts.
Mom: You're mean.


p.s. for the record: he's not so ugly.


Chantel said...

hahahahahahah! oh i just had a good laugh. i hope that conversation really happened because it's hilarious. (I always have similar conversations with people... ARGGG!)

natalie johansen said...

I love this so much - it made me laugh, and I had to read it to Beth. and I might be able to guess said individual - was he the one who stole your heart by chance?